Cleaning an Eye Clinic – Alex Buller (Hawkes Bay NZ)
- Hypochlorous Acid: HOCl. Made in-house by NZ$10,000 machine. Requires electricity, NaCl and H2O. Some detergent is added to spray bottles and reusable cloths are used to clean areas. Highly effective at killing all the bugs.
- Biodegradable masks
- Biodegradable instrument pouches used by CSSD to package sterile instruments
- Solar powered eye clinic. Carbon neutral certified.
- Don’t use minims, use a large bottle and drop drug with a ANTT. The bottle then is available for many patients.
- Recording of presentation available here
Things to make your Urology service more sustainable – Ashley Lee (Fiona Stanley Hospital, WA)
- Reduce bluey use by substitution with other towels, sheets or biodegradable absorptive sheets
- Reduce diaper use, as they have a significant waste and carbon footprint. Offer urological procedures like botox to reduce incontinence, thus reducing diaper use.
- Use e-consent rather than paper consent forms
- Reusable surgical laparoscopic instruments
- Lifestyle modification for patients – smoking, obesity: less likely to have complications and end up in ICU, which has higher carbon footprint
- Celebrate and collaborate on the sustainability wins
- Recording of presentation available here
Doctors for Environment Australia: Planetary health education in healthcare – Sonia Chanchlani
- Lots of great planetary health education resources have been developed to integrate in your frontline health training.
- Find green champions within education teams in your health service who can integrate this material in teaching.
- Update your existing education material to include these concepts
- Adopt AMC medical education standards, including sustainability.
Schneider Electric’s approach to decarbonisation (apologies if not completely represented)
- Measure baseline CO2
- Define strategy and committments
- Digitize data and ESG reporting
- Decarbonise
- Manage energy, resources, risk
- Electrify everything
- Reduce – improve resource efficiency, energy efficiency
- Replace – transition to low carbon energy
- Engage – with supply chain
Life Cycle Assessment resource